Martin Schultz


Martin joined Langebæk for a second tour of duty in 2017, having previously spent eight years at the company as a senior project manager and consultant from 2007 to 2015. But supply chains have been the centre of his professional life since the very beginning – in his case, the basic training he received as a storeman in the Royal Guards. Following a deployment as part of a UN mission, he trained and was commissioned as an intelligence officer, before pursuing a more commercial career and simultaneously completing graduate studies specializing a HD, SCM, at Copenhagen Business School. In addition, he was awarded the 2003 prize for best thesis.

In the decade leading up to his first engagement with Langebæk, he gained valuable operational experience at companies such as Triumph International, Sauer-Danfoss, and Astra-Zeneca, and developed a broad set of competences in various supply chain roles, assuming responsibility for planning, purchasing, warehousing and distribution along the way. Nationally focused early on, his outlook and remit quickly came to include the entire Nordic region, which he would put to good use at Langebæk, where he took the lead on a number of complex projects for clients in Denmark, Sweden and Norway at both strategic and operational levels. After nearly eight years at the company, he was regrettably but deservedly offered a position as Logistics Director at Nordic Forum Holding, a leading automotive wholesaler, which he held until we managed to secure his talents for Langebæk once again.

In 2021, Martin was appointed as CEO for Langebæk Consulting AS in Norway.



Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  • Supply Chain Strategy
  • Network design and optimization
  • Inventory design and optimization
  • Material handling and automation
  • Warehouse and factory layout
  • Process reengineering
  • Production optimization
  • Value chain design and optimization
  • Strategic supplier categorization
  • E-commerce design


Project Management

  • IPMA-B Certification
  • GDP Certification
  • Complex projects
    Planning and execution
    Coordination & follow-up
    Innovative Problem Solving
  • Team Management
  • Risk analysis & Quality assurance

Contact information:
M: +45 5123 1752