We wish to be a valuable resource for Danish media, particularly for business and technical media in the logistics field.
We are open to all enquiries and endeavour to respond to media queries at all times.
We gladly give our opinion of logistics in general or comment on market trends or specific customer solutions, the latter always by agreement with the customer, however.
As a matter of principle, we never issue statements about our competitors.
Media liaison staff
Implementation and operation of logistics solutions and specific customer cases
Peter Gyldendal
CEO, Head of Sales
Mobile: +45 2423 0406
E-mail: pgy@langebaek.com
Trends in supply-chain management, logistics, technology, skills development, etc.
Lars Bek Jensen
Mobile +45 2120 0666
E-mail: lbj@langebaek.com
Peter Gyldendal, Partner and CEO (jpg 101 Kb)
Lars Bek Jensen, Partner and board member (jpg 256 Kb)
Torsten U. Langebæk, founder of Langebæk Logistik, board member (jpg 284 Kb)
Langebæk Logo: High Resolution (pdf 620 Kb)
Langebæk Logotype: High Resolution (pdf 650 Kb)
Langebæk Logotype Negativ: High Resolution (pdf 643 Kb)
Langebæk Logotype Negativ II: Low Resolution (jpg)